Monday 11 November 2019

Theory's and examples

Albert Bandura and media effects:
- The idea that media can implant ideas in the mind of the audience directly.
- The idea that audiences acquire attitudes, emotional responses and new styles of conduct through modelling.
- The idea that media representations of transgression behaviour, such as violence or physical aggression, can lead audience members to imitate those kind of behaviours.

example: Someone might see in the media that someone they idolise has been doing drugs and then decides to imitate those behaviours and do it themselves

hypodermic needle theory:
-Idea that the media injects its messages straight into the passive audience.
- It suggests were all the same and respond to media messages in the same way.


Cultivation Theory - George Gerbner:
- The idea that exposure to repeated patterns over long periods of time can shape and influence the way in which people perceive the world around them.


Genre Conventions -Steve Neale
You have to have similarities and a difference to make people want to watch it.
example: of this would be for a action movie you would want to repeat things like people jumping of buildings, lots of violence etc. But you also have to have something different about the action movie so people will watch it because nobody would want to watch the same thing.

Reception Theory - Stuart Hall
preferred Reading is when the audience respond to the media exactly the way the media wanted them too. Oppositional reading is when the audience rejects the proffered reading and creates their pow meaning for the text.  Negotiated reading is when the audience partly agrees with the medias message.
 Example: of this could be in the Gillette advert where the intended meaning is that you could have the perfect life and have the woman you want if you use their razor, the oppositional reading would be that all of that is stupid and no razor will make you have that kind of life. The negotiated reading might be that they don't think that the razor will necessarily make your life like that however they can see how their razor might make you look better and feel more confident to try for those things.

Moral panic:
- An instance of public anxiety or alarm in response to a problem regarded as threatening the moral standards of society.

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