Friday 15 November 2019

Applying MCDOVED

Contrapuntal, parallel
Diagetic/non diagetic
Onscreen/off screen
Volume and voice over

The non diagetic music from 0:00 - 0:30 is parallel to the tense mood of the scene the volume of it is very loud as it is the only thing we can hear it creates. The on screen and parallel noise of the rock moving down is drawn out and long and a lot louder than it would be normally so that the audience understands what is happening. We then hear the loud sound of the rocks falling which is diagetic and onscreen however this is overlayed with parallel non diagetic music which builds up the atmosphere. This happens from 0:30 - 0:53. From this point the volume of the falling rocks is almost silent and instead the dialogue takes over as a louder volume. Until once again to create more suspense the volume of the on screen diagetic rock covering the entrance takes over the sound, but you can still slightly hear music once again come into the scene.

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