Friday 22 November 2019

Analysis of front cover newspaper semiotics

Gate-keeping: A term which is applied to the editing and filtering process where decisions are made to let some information "pass through" to the receiver (audience) and other information remains barred.


Continuity/currency - stories already in the news continue to run and are updated e.g brexit, prince Andrew, Election
Unexpectedness - An event that is a shock or out of the ordinary e.g. terrorist Attacks
Personalisation -  Stories that include human interest - "real people" (more tabloid stories)
Proximity - Stories that are closer to home are more likely to be included
Threshold - The bigger the impact and reach of the story
Unambiguous - Stories that are easy to understand and for papers to report on (Stories that they know all the facts on so there report is clear)
Negativity - Bad news is more interesting 'if it bleeds it leads' e.g. there is lots of negativity stories on teenagers
Elite person/places - Stories about powerful people and powerful nations. e.g. France, China, Germany, USA. Government leaders.

The Guardian and The Mirror are left wing leaning (labour)
The other papers are right wing leaning (conservative)

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