Monday 24 February 2020

Radio Reflection

The task we were assigned was to make our own 3 minute slot of the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast show and to include all the things in the show.
We were in groups of three in my group i was the News Reader and director, Daanyal was the presenter and Louis was the celebrity. We came up with our own game to make the show more fun and fresh and still show our group as creative. We interviewed Louis who said he was an actor in the new 1917 movie and we discussed the movie and how it has effected him. For music we chose Pee Pee by M Huncho as its a song that there target age group would like and we also chose someone you loved by Lewis Capaldi, as these songs both promote British artists. We started with a song then went to the news and then to the interview and game with the celebrity and audience and then played another song. Our target audience was 15 - 29 year old's because this is the same as BBC Radio 1 therefore we were aiming to attract a similar age group. We attracted ur target audience by playing songs that are popular with this age group, and by trying to interview celebrity's that would interest them as 1917 is a movie that lots of people maybe slightly older than 15 are interested in. It fits in to the BBC Radio 1 remit as it entertains with music games and celebrity and informs the audience with mainly soft news story's however it doesn't really educate the audience because of the soft news so we maybe should have tried to put this in. we needed to work on how loud we were as it was sometimes hard to hear us and also on trying to make it sound more natural and not scripted. However we did really meet the age group we were going for but next time i would make sure to make it sounds more relaxed and unplanned. 

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