Saturday 8 February 2020

Jungle Book class notes

Paper 2 Section A
- 15 marker question

Making a film:
Pre - production
post production

4 Stages of a film:

  • Production - making the film
  • Distrubution - sell film to cinemas and send to cinemas
  • Marketing - press releases, trailers, Interviews
  • Exhibition/ Exchange - The way you watch the film. e.g. netflix, Amazon, Phone, Cinema, TV etc.
- Is when two or more companies engage in a multi - industry company
e.g. Disney, Sony, Time warner, NBC - Universal

  • Ownership is all about different film companies owning each other and providing each other with money, ideas and film and finance 
  • Major companies owns others within the industry in order for more films to be produced.
Vertical Integration:
- When film companies has ownership of the means of production, distribution and exhibition of the film by the same company so they recive all the profit.

Horizontal integration:
- When the production companies expands into other areas of one industry. It requires merges with other companies that do the same thing to help eliminate competition. The profit will be shared amongst each company.

Big Companies/Conglomerates

Advantages -
  • Company have a lot more control over quality and deadlines.
  • All profits stay with one company
  • can call in favours with the best talent, production and marketing for their film - whether its good or not.
Disadvantages - 
  • Less control over their work
  • Studios can be bullies
  • Studios may pull in favours but it does mean its the best film.
Media triangle:

                                                                  Media Text 
                                                      - what they have produced

               Institution                                                                                      Target Audience
- who have produced media text                                                            -Who is it produced for  

Shift from push media (what producers push media at us and we recive and consume it) to pull media (where we decide what we want to do what we want to watch and access it in ways that suit us)

Walt Disney's company is a diversified, multi - national, mass media business the worlds second largest conglomerate in terms of revenue. they have media networks, Parks and resorts, studio entertainment, consumer products and interactive.   

ways disney impacts on a film production:
  •  All profits stay with disney
  • very controlled by disney
  • bigger budget (block buster movie)  - means bigger impact  
  • very well established audience
  • brand very well known
  • more money for marketing
  • can have excellent contacts so can get more well known actors            
  • Attracts stars as well known company
 Key facts about Jungle Book:
- Just under bockbuster budget at $177 million
- Jon Favreau produced and directed - iron man , avengers etc

Key facts about disney:
  • 2019 was disney's biggest year for revenue pre-sales are a big way to make money before movie released
  • They dominated box office
  • Bought 20th century fox
  • Launched disney plus
  • Out of top 10 films of 2019 6 were disney
  • They make less films now but make more money then when they made more films
Jungle Book - how is it mainstream?
- CGI (Animals, setting of jungle, moving mouths etc.)
- IMAX 3D is avaliable
- Editing
- Action
- Big actors

Mainstream - has big budget
Independent film - less than $10 million
crtitical success - oscar nomination , good acting etc..
Commercial success - made a lot of money

Jungle Book 2016
- representation of familiar characters
- Emotive narrative
- signified use of CGI and live act
- Big Budget

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