Monday 24 February 2020

Radio Reflection

The task we were assigned was to make our own 3 minute slot of the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast show and to include all the things in the show.
We were in groups of three in my group i was the News Reader and director, Daanyal was the presenter and Louis was the celebrity. We came up with our own game to make the show more fun and fresh and still show our group as creative. We interviewed Louis who said he was an actor in the new 1917 movie and we discussed the movie and how it has effected him. For music we chose Pee Pee by M Huncho as its a song that there target age group would like and we also chose someone you loved by Lewis Capaldi, as these songs both promote British artists. We started with a song then went to the news and then to the interview and game with the celebrity and audience and then played another song. Our target audience was 15 - 29 year old's because this is the same as BBC Radio 1 therefore we were aiming to attract a similar age group. We attracted ur target audience by playing songs that are popular with this age group, and by trying to interview celebrity's that would interest them as 1917 is a movie that lots of people maybe slightly older than 15 are interested in. It fits in to the BBC Radio 1 remit as it entertains with music games and celebrity and informs the audience with mainly soft news story's however it doesn't really educate the audience because of the soft news so we maybe should have tried to put this in. we needed to work on how loud we were as it was sometimes hard to hear us and also on trying to make it sound more natural and not scripted. However we did really meet the age group we were going for but next time i would make sure to make it sounds more relaxed and unplanned. 


Radio Questions

Explain how audiences use radio differently. Refer to the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast show to support your answer.

-  Audiences now have many different ways to listen to the radio. Radio 1 in particular is listened by 60% of millennial's through apps for streaming and podcasts which are now on the rise. However 93% of millennial's still listen to AM/FM radio every week. Some people also listen through the use of BBC Sounds. Some people might listen to the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast show for company in the mornings as it almost feels like Greg James is talking to you as he engages his audience through cheery chat to wake you up and entertain you in the morning. Other people may listen to the Radio to be Informed and educated about news happening globally and in Britain as they may want to be kept up to date in what is happening in the world. Others may use the radio for entertainment such as listening to the games and competitions and stories that are told by other listeners in the show or even by engaging in the show itself by tweets and calling in. Another way an audience uses the Radio differently is by just listening in to listen to music for entertainment. There are so many ways for audiences to use the Radio differently because the radio has its remit to inform, educate and entertain by having these three remits to fufill it means it allows them to have a wider target audience. This then means more people of their 15 - 29 target age should probably listen in.

Explain why popular music programmes struggle to gain recognition as public service broadcasting. Refer to the BBC Radio 1 breakfast show to support your answer.

Radio One is a public service Radio Broadcaster this means they are made, financed and controlled by the public for the public. It is neither commercial nor state-owned, free from political interference and pressure from commercial forces. Through PSB, people are informed, educated and also entertained because of the remit they are set.  The BBC Radio 1 may struggle to gain recognition as a Public service broadcasting because they have different shows like BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 2, BBC Radio 3 etc, that are all aimed to different target audiences and different parts of the remit. BBC Radio 1 in particular is aimed at 15 - 29 year olds and its main focus is to tick the entertainment of the remit, however they do inform slightly with news but because this is so sparse it mainly feels like a show to entertain people with popular music (mainly pop), new British artists, and also in the particular their breakfast show with fun games/quizzes and stories from the public or host Greg James are telling, this may make people feel like they are not meeting the Public Broadcasting Service and not recognise them as part of this, because it doesn't feel like its completely meeting the remit.
Another Reason that they might struggle to gain recognition as a public service broadcaster is because they are meant to be free from political interference however BBC Radio 1 is under OfCom which have a charter with the government that states that they aren't allowed to be bias however they sometimes politically can be and lean certain ways on topics because it's in the government's best interest this therefore means they arent successfully filling their role to always be in the public's best interest, which may make them come across as not being a public service broadcasting.
The BBC Radio 1 is not controlled by adverts and commercials because they are Public service broadcasting however this may not come across as they may not advertise brands or certain shows etc, but they do advertise other things going on in the BBC such as new television series, however as they are advertising their own company it doesn't count as them being controlled by commercial forces however it may come across that they are advertising to the public even if it is their own shows and this may have a negative effect and cause annoyance from the public and make them feel like they are not sticking to their OfCom regulation even though technically they are.
Altogether i would say that the BBC are sticking to their PSB, and to well informed public members who listen to the show regulry would see this however it can come across like they aren't always sticking to it because of the multiple stations they have who all fufil the PSB in different ways.

BBC Radio 1 breakfast

R1 questions answers

Greg James has been presenting the radio one breakfast show since the 20th of August 2018. the age range of the radio one breakfast show is 15 - 29 year olds. The difference between BBC Radio 1 and commercial stations is that commercial stations like capital have played 83 unique songs compared to Radio 1 443 which is musically much more distinctive. Audiences can access Radio 1 by Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Radio sounds and any type of radio. They can interact with Radio 1 by calling in, tweeting and sending messages. Ofcom regulates the Radio and makes sure they are distinctive and they set the operating licence. It  fulfils its remit by informing, educating and entertaining. Ben Cooper is not worried about the drop of listeners because the listeners keep fluctuating up and down. To keep audiences engaged Greg James Makes it fun by coming up with interactive games and topics that he can talk about with the audience. The programme promotes British Music by providing exposure to songs that aren't often played on commercial radio they also have 17 different schemes to help discover new British Talent. They played a lot of pop with songs by taylor swift and miley cyrus.  They interviewed British artist Stormzy and they were playing a game and Stormzy was trying to learn the Jingle and they were talking about dunking fries in chocolate milkshake. Their were lots of news items like Kobe, coronavirus and sport news. They play lots of games and quizzes like the jan slam which means you can win tickets to the big weekend which is in glasgow, And then there is yesterday's quiz which is were they guess the animal sound to win money. The broadcast fits into their ethos of 'informing, educating and entertaining' as they inform people of the news and what's currently happening and educate them on these topics and entertain them by playing music and games and interacting to the audience. It differs from commercial Radio because it has its own remit to fufill and our controlled by themselves. The audience from my section is people who either like pop music or like stormzy and want to hear him talk. The Radio 1 breakfast show is very large and has drawn in more listeners each week, it has a weekly reach of 10.56 million listeners aged 10+ an increase from 10.25 million listeners last year. The 5 categories the BBC used to measure audiences in 2016 were Remit, scope of the BBC world service, service budget, contribution to BBC public purpose, annexes to this license. The BBC Radio station most targeted to a mass audience is Radio 2, and the BBC Radio station most targeted towards a niche audience with high levels of cultural capital is BBC 5.

Monday 17 February 2020

Radio notes

Radio notes:

              make people feel involved

websites/social media
                                      how?                                            Zoo Format
            - several line events                                          - feels unplanned
         Audience slowly increasing since he took over                                                                                          from Nick Grimshaw                                                                   Diverse young audience
  Greg James                                          Radio 1 Audience                           15 - 29 year olds          20th august 2018 - start breakfast show              
                                                                                                              Audience measured by RAJAR

                               call up personal stories - audience feel involved
                                      best bits BBC iplayer  What pleasures?    Watch webcam
                                                    Jan slam - everyday          Giveaway prize (games)
                                                                           BBC Sounds

                                                                                                                        Greg James - peps people
                                                                         high quality, original,                    up in morn               
 45% music in daytime should be new                 PSB  Challenging,innovative,        Presenter Choice
                      Remit    there to serve you              engaging + exhibit uk talent        GJ down to earth
promote british music                                      - Public service broadcaster
bbc sounds
try to be more distinctive in music                                                            majority Facebook, twitter
- move away mainstream                                                                                       Technology
                                                                                                                    - social media.   DAB, FM,
                                                             Radio 1 Industry                  Digital Tv, digital Radio - young
Marketing                                                                                   audience max opp access as they want
- Allowed to advertise their     
own channels                                                                      Brit list          monday - thursday 6.30 -10
                                                   Commercial radio         1/2  A-list music british  Production
                                                   - not national                         A list songs 25x week      promote brit
                                                   - Adverts                               B list 15x week                  music
                                                                                                 C list 5x week

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Radio Question Answers

The Top Radio Station owners in the UK are  BBC national Radio with 31.5 million listeners every week Global radio with 24.0 million listeners and Bauer Media with 18 million listeners.
BBC National Radio is targeting a target age range of 15 - 29 year old's.
Global Radio is targeting a wide range of audiences through their different stations aimed at different age groups their different stations allow them to have an age range target audience of 18 - 75 year old's.

National commercial radio is where it derives its operating budget from selling advertising, commercial radio stations need consistently large numbers of listeners these numbers are also used to price advertising.

BBC Radio One is one of the BBC's two biggest flagship Radio stations, specializing in modern popular music and current chart hits throughout the day. Radio One provides alternative genres at night, including electronica, dance, hip hop, and was launched in 1967 to meet the demand for music generated by pirate radio stations, when the average age of the UK population was 27. The BBC claim that they target the 15-29 age group and its average age of its  UK audience since 2009 is 30. BBC radio one started 24 hour broadcasting on the 1st of may 1991.  Radio One Breakfast Show that is broadcast across the UK from 6.30 to 10am. Monday to Thursday. The show is the most listened to broadcast on BBC Radio One.It is hosted by Greg James who took over from Nick Grimshaw on the 20th of August 2018 as the shows 16th presenter. The show ran 6 days a week until February 1968, the five days a week until June 2018, when the Friday show was dropped and incorporated into the stations weekend schedule.

Radio stations often market themselves through advertising. They often use their own stations official websites and social media channels as platforms to promote forthcoming shows, new presenters, or the general brand identity of the station itself.

Radio One is a public service Radio Broadcaster this means they are made, financed and controlled by the public for the public. It is neither commercial nor state-owned, free from political interference and pressure from commercial forces. Through PSB, people are informed, educated and also entertained. 

BBC Radio One is attempting to entertain and engage a broad range of young listeners with a distinctive mix of contemporary music and speech. Its target audience is 15-29 year old's and it should also provide some programming for younger teenagers.

Cross Marketing Platform is when they use advertising  to expand your message across several channels, and extend your reach to capture your customer's attention. But equally important is getting your timing and targeting right. You do this by spanning it over multiple media types and platforms.

The Radio Regulator is Ofcom they became the BBC's first external regulator on the 3rd of April 2017.

The ways i which audiences can listen to radio has changed over time is different as The radio has enabled a better transmission and reception of the sound that was being sent. Also 60% of millennial's listen to the radio through apps for streaming and podcasts are now on the rise. However 93% of millennial's still listen to AM/FM radio every week.

The difference between Radio One and other popular pop radio stations is that they compared to Capitals unique 83 Unique songs (meaning they played the same songs more often) compared to Radio Ones 443. Radio One is musically much more distinctive listen and focuses on songs that other big pop stations aren't playing. 

Saturday 8 February 2020

Jungle Book class notes

Paper 2 Section A
- 15 marker question

Making a film:
Pre - production
post production

4 Stages of a film:

  • Production - making the film
  • Distrubution - sell film to cinemas and send to cinemas
  • Marketing - press releases, trailers, Interviews
  • Exhibition/ Exchange - The way you watch the film. e.g. netflix, Amazon, Phone, Cinema, TV etc.
- Is when two or more companies engage in a multi - industry company
e.g. Disney, Sony, Time warner, NBC - Universal

  • Ownership is all about different film companies owning each other and providing each other with money, ideas and film and finance 
  • Major companies owns others within the industry in order for more films to be produced.
Vertical Integration:
- When film companies has ownership of the means of production, distribution and exhibition of the film by the same company so they recive all the profit.

Horizontal integration:
- When the production companies expands into other areas of one industry. It requires merges with other companies that do the same thing to help eliminate competition. The profit will be shared amongst each company.

Big Companies/Conglomerates

Advantages -
  • Company have a lot more control over quality and deadlines.
  • All profits stay with one company
  • can call in favours with the best talent, production and marketing for their film - whether its good or not.
Disadvantages - 
  • Less control over their work
  • Studios can be bullies
  • Studios may pull in favours but it does mean its the best film.
Media triangle:

                                                                  Media Text 
                                                      - what they have produced

               Institution                                                                                      Target Audience
- who have produced media text                                                            -Who is it produced for  

Shift from push media (what producers push media at us and we recive and consume it) to pull media (where we decide what we want to do what we want to watch and access it in ways that suit us)

Walt Disney's company is a diversified, multi - national, mass media business the worlds second largest conglomerate in terms of revenue. they have media networks, Parks and resorts, studio entertainment, consumer products and interactive.   

ways disney impacts on a film production:
  •  All profits stay with disney
  • very controlled by disney
  • bigger budget (block buster movie)  - means bigger impact  
  • very well established audience
  • brand very well known
  • more money for marketing
  • can have excellent contacts so can get more well known actors            
  • Attracts stars as well known company
 Key facts about Jungle Book:
- Just under bockbuster budget at $177 million
- Jon Favreau produced and directed - iron man , avengers etc

Key facts about disney:
  • 2019 was disney's biggest year for revenue pre-sales are a big way to make money before movie released
  • They dominated box office
  • Bought 20th century fox
  • Launched disney plus
  • Out of top 10 films of 2019 6 were disney
  • They make less films now but make more money then when they made more films
Jungle Book - how is it mainstream?
- CGI (Animals, setting of jungle, moving mouths etc.)
- IMAX 3D is avaliable
- Editing
- Action
- Big actors

Mainstream - has big budget
Independent film - less than $10 million
crtitical success - oscar nomination , good acting etc..
Commercial success - made a lot of money

Jungle Book 2016
- representation of familiar characters
- Emotive narrative
- signified use of CGI and live act
- Big Budget