Tuesday 17 September 2019


Semiotics: the study of signs. Or of anything that stands for "something else".

Denotation - What we see when we look at an image.
Connotation - What we understand from this image (what other meanings it has).

Stuart Hall came up with the theory polysemia which means many readings.

  • prefered reading - How the creator wants the audience to read the media text.
  • Oppositional reading - Where the intended meaning of the text is totally opposed by the reader.

Image result for film poster
denotation: city.
 Connotation: busy, crowded, built up, lost, large space

denotation: green
Connotation: nature, peace, calm, tranquility,money

denotation: snow
Connotation: cold,winter

denotation: elf
Connotation: Christmas, children, happiness 

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