Tuesday 21 April 2020

Titanium music video notes when watching

Titanium -
At the beginning before the singing starts during the music we see lots of close up shots of someones hands and scattered papers all over the floor. once the signing starts the shot changes to a long shot where we see a boy sat in a messed up school hallway, the long shot helps to show the damage done in the school after that we have a few longer length mid shots following the boy leaving the school. when the beat gets faster we get lots of quick succession shots close up of the boy riding his bike very fast which creates a sense of panic and speed. The setting and props are important in this video to show the story. The setting clearly shows him at school, walking out of school, going home, at his home and then in a forest. The props then help to bring it all together, the scattered papers at school and emptiness of the school show that something has clearly happened there and it has to do with the boy, the tv at his house is an important prop because it indicates to the audience that the boy has supernatural powers, this gets reinforced later hen the use of his teddy bears had special effects put on to make it look like they are floating. The people hunting him in the forest are clearly soldiers because of the costume and when we get a close up of one of their faces he is wearing an army helmet. The young boy is wearing an normal outfit and one that shows his youth. The lighting feels very natural at the begining to he is home once he is in the forest and its dark their is lots of high key lightiing in the background from torches which makes a more intimidating feel because you know he young boy is being tracked down by people.The editing is soemtimes in time with the music like when he steps on a twig in the forest it happens in exact time with the beat. They also sped up when he was cycling to make it look like he was cycling faster. It reminds me of stranger things

stop where you are video notes when watching

note on camera editing and mise en scene

Stop where you are video -
They use a range of shots from high angles to low angles and mid angles. Generally at the beginning there was a lot of mid angle shots close up to the singer and then the shots would change to another actor in the video and then return to the singer but from a different angle. during the beginning we get a lot of shots of the setting, of sides of buildings from low angles as well as the sky. We get a lot of shots of just the main singers feet walking and later on a shot of hands rubbing together. during the middle we get a high shot of a man sitting looking like his shouting or upset the high shot makes him look dismissive and almost be littles him however when the shot changes to a mid shot and a business looking man gives him a drink amd they are smiling and talking having a mid shot of them at the same level( as equals).
The setting is very dark and takes place in different areas of what looks like a flat, we are in a stairwell and walking around the outside of a building it has low key lighting majority of the time however at times when she is outside we get bit so f high key lighting behind. It looks like a poorer area which contrasts with the singers outfit which is bright red and she is dressed in a more fancy manner ( a dress and heels) for where she is and it contradicts the other actors outfits which are more casual.
The makeup is very natural and almost looks like no one is wearing any makeup. Their are little to no props it mainly focuses on the characters we are following.