Thursday 10 October 2019

Media Framework

Demographic Profiling:
A - Higher management, Bankers, Lawyers, Doctors etc.
B - Middle Management, Teachers, Creative and media people.
C1 - Office Supervisors, Junior Managers, Nurses, Specialist staff, White collar jobs.
C2 - Skilled manual worker, Plumbers, Builders, Blue collar jobs.
D - Semi skilled and unskilled manual workers.
E - Unemployed, Students, Pensionars, Casual Workers.

Psychographic Profiling:
Aspirers - Care about image, materialistic, typically younger people.
Succedor - Seek control, strong goals, confidence, higher management.
Resigned - Seek survival, Rigid, Interested in past and tradition, Typically older.
Explorers - Energy, Individualism, Typically younger.
Strugglers - Seeks escape, Buys alcohol and junk food, typically lower demographic.
Reforms - seeks enlightenment, freedom of restriction and personal growth.

Audience response:
- cultural experience
- Historical competence
- Situated culture
- gender
- Ethnicity
- Age

Stuart Hall: Reception Theory

  • The idea that communication is a process involving encoding by producers and decoding by audiences.
  • The idea that there are three hypothetical positions from which messages and meanings may be decoded.
      - the dominant hegemonic position: the encoders intended meaning (the prefered reading) is fully understood and accepted.
      - The negotiated position: the legitimacy of the encoders message is acknowledged in general terms, although the message is adapted or negotiated to better fit the decoders own individual experiences or context.
      - The oppositional position: The encoders message is understood but the decoder disagrees with it, reading it in a contrary or oppositional way.

Friday 4 October 2019

Boyz N The Hood

distinct: setting,themes,icons,narrative,characters,textual analysis.

The beginning is set in the kids neighbourhood home in south central Los angeles in 1984 and we get to see them walk through their neighbourhood in the morning time. The setting then becomes slightly more morbid as we see the darker side of the neighbourhood where police tape is lining and alleyway corner and what look like political posters have bullet holes in them. The floor is covered in newspaper with blood splatters on it, the viewer would be shocked to see how unnerved the kids are by seeing this.
The setting then again changes to a classroom and a lesson taking place in it before changing back to a sunny day in the neighbourhood.
It shows themes of violence, wrong and right, childhood and shootings.
Right at the beginning of the movie we see a stop sign being zoomed into, i think the stop sign is symbolic of how his trying to get a message across to stop violence and shootings and stop and reflect on what they are teaching younger children is the correct behaviour.
The story is told in a correct time order of the kids day from walking to school, looking at the crime scene, going to school and walking home.
at the beginning we meet 4 characters who are all children 2 male 2 female mainly the two male characters speak however one of the girls does also interact with them as well. They are all dressed for school and are all carrying backpacks. We are then introduced to a school teacher who is wearing a knee length skirt with a belt around it and a blouse with her hair tied back and glasses.
Textual analysis - before we see the setting or characters we get to hear background sound which is parallel to the mood and message of the movie it is off screen and non diagetic. We can hear these unidentified characters say "just pull up,just pull up" "get your shit ready..." before hearing a gun being sprayed and screams of people. we may not be able to see whats happening in this scene but the words exchanged between the characters we can hear and the spray of a gun its clear that there has been a shooting.

We can tell that violence has been normalised for the boys as we see them act violently towards each other and we witness one young boy when walking home seeing someone get beat up, by how un-reactive he is to this we can tell that it must be normal to him and a common thing to happen where he is from as he is simply able to stroll pass without even a flinch of a change of emotion on his face when he sees this. We can also tell that the boys are used to violence as when they witness the crime scene they continue to kick bloody newspapers of off the floor and already at such a young age are able to tell that there was a shooting and people were hurt or killed one young boy even talks about how people were "smoked" last night.


Its a musical as they are all holding microphones which makes it identifiable as a musical. And they are dancing.

Image result for musical
Image result for musical

Image result for action movieImage result for action movie

The guns show it as an action movie and also the explosion in the background of one.

Thursday 3 October 2019



Contrapuntal (does not match mood of the piece), Parallel (does match)
Diagetic (sound characters can hear), Non - Diagetic (Characters cannot hear)
Volume and voice over

Special effects/sfx
Order of narrative
Screen time

sound - The non diagetic music slows down at the sad parts therefore its parallel to the mood created.
Mise en scene - The ties change which shows time going by. As well as the money pot building up with money then being broken and then building up again. The main characters Carl and Ellie facial features change (they get wrinkles,hunched over and grey hairs) which also shows them ageing
Camera - The camera shots aren't very long and most are a two shot as we spend most of the time with just Carl and Ellie
Editing - The camera slides from a bright room and transitions straight across so it feels like we are entering another room in the house but really we transition to a dark hallway were we can see Ellie being told bad news by a door.

Cape Fear:
Sound - its loud and intense which is parallel to the mood but its non diagetic.
Camera - Long shots that pan round and track him until the bars of the prision are locked behind him and we cut to a new shot were a door is opened for him.
Mise en scene - He has lots of tattoos one we really get to see is the balance of justice tattooed on his back and the type and amount of books he has shows his intelligent.
Editing -

The Matrix:
 Camera - At the beginning its a close up over the shoulder and zooms out to a long shot when shes fighting.
Sound - The music makes you feel on edge. the dialouge "there already dead" shows us that the girl must be strong if these two men think shell take down all these police officers.
Mise en scene - Police officer outfits useally indicate good people. The men are wearing reflective shades so you cant see their eyes like they are hiding their identitys.
Editing - slows down at her high kick so we can really see her talent/skill.

Camera - quick pace and short shots at the beginning. Then shots get longer more mid-long shots.
Sound - Voice over gives info on her life from her own pov.
Mise en scene - see her holding lots of designer clothes which show that she comes from a wealthy.
Editing - lots of quick shots to other areas shows how busy and all over the place her life is.

countertypes of representation

This is a counter type for how some disabled people are portrayed in the media as it shows how strong they are and just as capable at participating in sports they are.

Men have to be seen as masculine especially men who play sports so the fact that he came out as gay was very shocking because he is seen as a "masculine" figure in sports.

It is a counterpart to men and how they should dress as its seen that men are masculine and shouldn't wear short shorts or heels so this is showing that men can wear whatever they want.