Tuesday 3 December 2019

News Presentation - Terrorism

Newspaper notes

Paper 1: 4 questions on newspapers
Three 10 markers one 15 marker
Focus on LIAR

Free Newspapers - Metro and The Evening Standard. They get money from adverts they put in them.

Subjective - emotional language normally Mid Market/Tabloid
Objective - Broadsheet - As many pov as possible

Serif Font normally used for papers like metro, times, guardian
Sans serif more swirly and traditional, in papers like the daily mail

The Guardian and The Mirror are more left wing leaning (Labour)
The other papers are more right wing leaning (conservative)

Online News Pros:

  • Most sites are free
  • Interactive - people can comment so you can talk to the media 
  • show you stories similar to the ones you've read - linked articles
  • easier to access
  • portable
  • eco friendly?
  • Updated regulary/breaking news
  • more choice of story variety
  • sace articles, archive, share
  • sponsers/advertisers
  • videos to watch and can also comment on these
  • online less formal
Online News Cons:
  • Unreliable
  • Less popular for old people as they might prefer a physical newspaper
  • give away personal info
  • paywalls - Times, telegraph
  • No internet
  • Pop up AD's
  • Some people prefer holding a newspaper
  • Less depth - hard hitting journalism harder to find
  • Fake News
Guardian make money by people contributing or you can subscribe or use patreon. As they have a lot less adverts. Whereas daily mail is just advertsing.

Newspaper Audiences:
Demographics and psychographics:
Money                     Personality

Newspaper habits:
  • Fix - access news constantly, promoted by general need and state of distraction
  • Track - access news regulary throughout the day to keep up to date with breaking stories
  • Fill - access news to pass the time when moving from one place to another.
  • Indulge - Make time to enjoy the news as a break from everything else in the day
  • Invest - Read the news regualry to get an in-depth perspective.
Where do people get news online?
Facebook - 36%
Twitter - 16%
Whatsapp - 14%
Instagram - 13%
Tv remains most used platform for news

Boomers - More than 1 million digital newsbrand daily and enjoy the speed more centred on specific times of the day. As well as liking the digital they also like physical Newspapers

Newspapers representation:
What,who,how,why - always ask when answering
What could be represented? 
people's identity - DRCAGES

Dominant Ideology - dominant group that hold power within social institutions or owns the production of cultural products such as news..

Daily Mail world view:
  •  Free Market economey
  • British traditions - royals, church, Army, Democrocy
  • Patriotic
  • Sceptical over things like european union and Human rights
  • Scared of mass imigration
Guardian World View:
  • Liberal progressive values
  • Care about the world 
  • Try and hear voices from all parties and classes. More DRCAGES.

Van Zoonens Feminist theory:
  1. We get ideas about gender from discourse (communication from media)
  2. Belifes are about gender change depending on historical cultural context.